
The pilgrim and the distractions in the way 2

Átila da Silva to AGAINST HANDS

One of our habitual tendencies is to make things with which we relate EQUAL to ourselves. That is, people, events, concepts and preconceptions, everything is repeatedly  discerned and interpreted from our own reflex.

The point of reference for the interpretation of the spiritual, emotional or material world, is ourselves.

Therefore, how much more intimacy with something or someonehow much minor the respect and awareness of their value.

The dimension of who is the other and means for us is being mimickedOne would expect a mimicry with the environment, but in our case we impose mimicry to others, to life.

This reality is a big distraction on the way to the pilgrim. Suddenly, he looks around and realizes that everything is a lot like him, giving him the false idea that he is in the overwhelming majority of the time, sure, you do not need to seek an urgent transformation and continuous, that reached anenviable level, where his worldview and his capacity for analysis and interpretation, are almost the same as Christ Jesus.

When the pilgrim leaves to see how he is and conforms the people, the concepts, the objectives, reasons for being in his image and likeness, then turn awaywalk with the Master. Keep walking, only lost in his own reflection!

Image of Pablo Picasso in www.flickr.com